
Graphic Design Studio Canberra

The difference between a business and a brand

Hey besties!

Are you confused about the difference between a business and a brand? Don’t worry you’re not alone! Sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, and while they are different, they work together to create magic, so how about we clear things up!

First things first, let’s define our terms. A business is, well, a business. It’s a company that provides goods or services in exchange for money. Pretty straightforward, right? A brand, on the other hand, is the emotional and psychological relationship that people have with a business. It’s the feeling that people get when they see your logo, or hear your business name. It’s the personality and values that your business represents. A brand is the “je ne sais quoi” (a quality that cannot be described or named easily.) that sets you apart from the competition.

Graphic Design Studio Canberra

You could think of it like this, the business is the brain, the logical side of things, but the brand? That is the heart and soul of your company. Now you might be thinking, “Well i don’t need a brand to sell my products or services!” and while you technically could survive without a brand, it will make your journey a lot harder. 

You see, a business with a strong brand is more likely to attract and retain customers, help you stand out in a crowded market, command higher prices, and weather the ups and downs of your industry. But, turning your business into a brand is not as simple as just slapping a logo on something and calling it a day. A brand is built on a foundation of values, mission, and culture. It’s about consistently delivering on promises, and creating an emotional connection with customers.

Graphic Design Studio Canberra

So you understand now that a business is what you do, a brand is who you are. And who doesn’t want to be the cool, charismatic, and successful person in the room? So take a step back, and evaluate your company. Are you just a business or are you a brand? And if you’re just a business, it’s time to start building that soul and make your company more than just a business.

So, to sum it up, a business is what you do, and a brand is who you are. And if you want to be a successful business, you need both. And who knows, you might even have a little fun along the way. If you need help locking down your brand book a disco call to discuss your business and how we can help bring your brand to life. 

Need help locking down your brand?  Book a free disco call to discuss how we can bring your brand to life!
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Graphic Design Studio Canberra

Shezivo is for visionary trail blazers that want to make a dent in the marketplace. We are a creative branding agency in Canberra that bridges the gap between vision and design with our holistic ethos that challenges the status quo so that your brand can resonate, hold meaning, and has the ability to build a brighter tomorrow

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